Sunday, December 12, 2010

Precise communication skills

In our daily conversations, it's not rare that we tend to over-generalized for almost everything. We or we heard people say that kids nowadays are behaving badly, they are bad, economies are bad, and so on and so forth.

Within ourselves, we may also find we have a lot of generalized self talk such as I'm no good, I'm loser, I always fail, I can't get it right, I will never make it, and so on...

Has it ever occurred to you?

In this post, I would like to share simple ways to have a precise communication. I learn this from Tony Robbins (I've been reading his book whole days and learned a lot)

First, lay down you fingers, and memorize this from the left hand (LH) pinky finger to right hand (RH) pinky.

  • LH pinky : All? Every? Never?
  • LH ring finger : What would happen if you did? What causes or prevents
  • LH Middle finger : How spesifically
  • LH index finder : Who specifically? What specifically?
  • LH thumb : Compare to what?
  • RH pinky : Universals
  • RH ring finger : Should, shouldn't must, can't
  • RH middle finger : Verbs
  • RH index finder: Nouns
  • RH thumb: Too much, too many, too expensive, too hard
  1. Nowadays, all kids are bad.
  2. All?
  1. It's too hard. I can't do it.
  2. What would happen if you did? What prevents you from doing it?
  1. I feel terrible.
  2. How specifically? What specifically is causing you to feel that way?
  1. They don't understand me.
  2. Who?
  1. It's too expensive.
  2. Compare to what?

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