I. Finding a common grounds
The easiest way to build a rapport with anyone is to find common believes, interest, passion between that person and us. We could start by asking what his interest or hobbies is. Or, where he studied, what major, what course. Or, what club does he belong to, and so forth. The idea is to find something that both of us have in common. The moment we could find some common ground, the ice will start to break and the rapport will start to come into form.
II. Mirroring: Voice, Tonality, Physiology, Body Language.
Research has shown that contents or words only consist of 7% of the communication. Voice consist of 38% and body language 55%. This means that we could build the rapport faster by start emulating his pattern of voice, tonality, body language, breath pattern, and so on.
In addition, we could observe whether that person is visual, kinesthetic or auditory and then adjust accordingly.
III. Listening: Active and Truly listening.
Being there fully for the person.
A lot of time, our physical body is there, but our mind is not. We are thinking of what we are going to do tonight, tomorrow, day after, etc. Or, we hear what they say, but we don't really listen. Instead, we try to find the timing where we can rebut his statements, and when he is speaking, we think of what we are going to say next.
Remember: "That other person is the most important person right now". Give the utmost attention and interest on that person, on what he's got to say, on his ideas and so. In addition, you can also express sign of agreement, understanding.
IV. Radiant Mind: Loving Kindness and Compassion
Before the interaction, wish that person to be well and happy. Spread your loving kindness to the surroundings and especially to that person.
Some simple verses:
May he be well and happy
May he be free from enmity and danger
May he be free from mental and physical suffering
May be be truly happy
When we start the interaction with the right, wholesome mind, things will most likely go smoothly. With loving kindness, our heart become calmer and more peaceful, and it helps us to be truly there for the person, to be able to be truly present.
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