Yesterday, I finally finished my Tr project. The date line is today, and I finish it right this morning, 12.15 am. So now, I can do my SSD projects, Econometrics assignment, and prepare for chinese quiz and also public finance proposal, all of which will due this week.
Well, I think that after this busy n tiring week, I wan to have a small break, and thus after waking up this morning, I play some game, go online, but it actually don't really give me happiness. This actually make me think a bit: indeed, a lot of people going to work everyday, work that they don;t really enjoy, work that instead of give more colour to their life, drain the heart and soul, then after a while, they say they need a break, need some rest, and sometimes do it unwholesomely. Of course, they can not be trully happy this way, and then their life feel so heavy, and everyday is like a battle, a futile battle.
I don;t know how many percent of the world population that live like that. But, this is almost what I am experiencing right now. COme to think of it, It is not worth it. Human rebirth is something that is very precious, and if I just spend my time doing such things that drain my mental energy, give rise to unwholesome actions n thoughts, isn't that means I am wasting my life?
Then I ask myself, How to be trully happy? I believe that a lot of us actually know the answer deep inside the heart, and for me, I feel really happy when I am in a meditation retreat, Why? Simply because almost every moment in the retreat is wholesome one. Wholesome thoughts wll give rise to happiness, and with happy mind, life become great and beautiful.
However, we are not in a retreat now. We are in this normal worldy life, and if we bring the retreat life here, it is unappropriate also.
Nevertheless, daily meditation do help the mind to become stringer and lighter. With a stringer mind, it is easier to be happy. Developing a kind heart is also very important, as a kind heart is a soft heart, and a soft heart tend to be happier. Have a simple life is also good. Yeah, we can't bring retreat life in daily worldly life, but we can still practice in daily life. And as long as we are walking in the right direction, happiness will sure follow. It just the way it is. Like if we put NaOH + HCl, it will produce NaCl + H20, so if we practice, we are going to get the results (NaCl) and the side effect, happiness (H20). I think that this is just a natural process.
In the end, I think that it is actually not so much of what we do externally, but it is what is inside that counts. If the inner is right, the outer will be right as well. Of course, to have a right inner, it takes time and effort, so we can start from the right outer as well.
Sometimes, We will have to do things that we don;t like, at times like this, it might be better to change the perspective, instead of complaining. Then, If we can live each moment correctly, happily, then this human rebirth will not be a waste, and after this life, we can have another good rebirth, till the enlightement.
May all beings be well, happy and peaceful.
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