Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Just back from NUSBS Meditation course. Well, I am not there for the whole session, but it is always great to be in a meditation group.
This time, our teacher is Bhante Cittara, from Mangala Vihara. After the session finish, which is at ard 8pm, he gave us time to ask question. But nobody ask question. Haha. All are Asian, so all keep silence. Then, he told us that it had been always lidat. Asian always feel shy to ask, only when the seession end and time to go back, then some ppl will approach him, and ask,"Bhante...."...
Haha. After that, 1 guy ask a question.
After that... silence again.... Kyaw try to get some feedback from other students, saying that this 30 minutes is for us to ask question, and ask for suggestion, but well, there is just no response. In the end, got 1 response, but i forget already. Haha. After all, we end at ard 8.15.

Back to my own practice, has been slacking recently. Hearing Bhante advice to practice daily, once again, I determine I have to again re-establish my daily practice. Ah, shoud do some recoleection on death as well. Then, shud develop metta, karuna, and mudita.

Nothing much to say about today, except one silly things i do in my chinese quiz. I am supposed to make a sentence with word "比如",and the teacher told us that it must be more than 18 words. Then I make long long sentence, thinking of putting the word at the end of the sentence, but end up forget to put it. Haha. SO, it end up a long sentence without the required word. Only realise this a few minutes after I submit my paper. Haha. Have to be more mindful hor!!!! (:

Some thoughts of the day:
1. Always be happy
2. BE happy
3. I am happy. (:


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