Reading Slam Dunk, Find some interesting points that can be applied in daily life:
1. Even Genius need to practice. Yeah, even one is born talented, but if one don't practice persistently and continuously, one will not be able to become a master.
Thus, practice is the key. No matter what is it, if one practice continuously and persistently, with the right method, then one can become a master on any subject.
2. Use leverage. Perhaps the best self leverage is the synergy between quantity and quality, and also the synergy among the quality. Put more time to practice, and also practice in a correct and effective manner.
3. To further enhance the skills, challenge the tougher opponent. This can be other stronger people or ourselves. Yes, one of the strongest opponent one can ever find is himself. This explain why people that strive and struggle in suffering will grow stronger and tougher.
4. Last point: Do it full force. Never do it half heart, or almost full heart. To be able to succeed, one has to give all one got, to be sincere and full heart. Passion, drive, excitement, joy; these are some of the qualities that will bring one to victory!
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